Feast of The Assumption at Pala Mission – 8:00am Mass
Join us August 15 for Mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary holy day of obligation. Mass will be at 8:00am and 7:00pm at Pala Mission.
Join us August 15 for Mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary holy day of obligation. Mass will be at 8:00am and 7:00pm at Pala Mission.
Join us August 15 for Mass on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary holy day of obligation. Mass will be at 8:00am and 7:00pm at Pala Mission.
Alabanza de 6:30pm-7:00pm Misa de 7pm-9pm
Celebration mass begins at 10am with reception to follow in the park. Please wear in traditional attire. Join us as we come together on Friday Sept. 27, 2024 to celebrate California Indigenous People Day with Most Reverend Bishop Ramón Bejarano Auxiliary Bishop for San Diego.
Bilingual Mass at San Juan Diego Center at 10:30am with Procession to the Mission for the Blessing to the Children. Fiesta to follow. Lots of food Free games & face painting for children. If you would like to volunteer, please see flyer attached or contact the parish office at (760) 742-3317 Wed-Fri.
Holy days of obligation (also known as feasts of precept) are days when the faithful are obliged to participate at Mass and abstain from unnecessary work or other activities which hinder the suitable relaxation of mind and body. Each Sunday is a holy day of obligation, and six Solemnities are also observed as feasts of […]
Bilingual Mass starting at 7pm at Pala Chapel.
Mass Schedule: 8am at Pala Chapel 5pm at Pala Chapel 7pm at Rincon Midnight Mass at Pala Chapel
Mass Schedule: 9am at Pala Chapel 11am at SJD Ctr.